Thursday 27 June 2024

Green Shieldbug development

On 07.06.2024 (Day0) I spotted a Green Shieldbug, Palomena prasina, laying eggs outside my kitchen window:

By Day2 post-laying, the little perforated lids out of which the nymphs would eventually pop were already visible:

And then, not much happened. The weather was cold and the eggs developed a little more slowly than they might have done otherwise. Then, on Day16 after laying, tiny red eyes were visible through the shells:

Day18 - great excitement, the eggs hatched and the nymphs emerged:

24 hours after hatching the first instar nymphs had hardly moved, possibly waiting for their first moult to disperse?

At this point I moved ther nymphs to a less exposed spot where they will have a better chance of survival. Bon chance, mes petites. 


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